Er din bedrift rammet av omsetningstap som følge av tiltakene rundt korona? Da kan du kanskje søke om kompensasjon til nødvendige utgifter. Vi gjør oppmerksom på at denne artikkelen ble skrevet i forbindelse med kompensasjon under koronapandemien. Kompensasjonsordningene varierer ut fra den til en hver tid gjeldende situasjon. Ta gjerne kontakt for å se hvordan…

The board is a body in an association that varies from joint-stock companies to associations and it is estimated that there are several hundred thousand boards in Norway and even more board members. In essence, the board's responsibility and the activities of a board are regulated by law, but not always, associations have no legal regulation. The Limited Companies Act is central in all respects and is used analogously

For companies that are economically disadvantaged in Norway, they can, again and again, need to hire workers only for a frozen period. Basically, employees in Norway find that hoisting, unrestricted employment The Norwegian Employment Law (working environment law) opens when the possibility of exempt employment contracts in particular, provided for by law. (§ 14-9 paragraph 1 a - f)