GHG assists issuers, investment firms and investors in relation to the full range of capital market transactions and issues relating to stock exchange and securities law.

Including assistance related to mandatory and voluntary offers, insider trading, flagging and reporting obligations, rules of conduct, cross-border activities, prospectus requirements, market manipulation, self-trading, issues and mergers, demergers and new and continuing listings.

Børs og kapitalmarkedet er et område hvor lovgivningen er gjenstand for fortløpende endring. Dette skyldes blant annet endringer som skjer i det indre europeiske markedet for finansielle tjenester, hvilket er inntatt som en del av EØS-avtalen.

Our assistance includes counseling and litigation before the courts and the Stock Exchange Complaints Board.



We can assist with:

  • Listing and issues
  • Flag and reporting obligation
  • Ongoing information duty and inside information
  • Prospectus Requirements
  • Acquisition of listed companies